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Katherine FaulknerA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Helen and Daniel attend Serena’s photography exhibition. Serena and Rory recently returned from a trip to Italy. Helen sees one photo that’s of Daniel, but he doesn’t look like himself and she can’t imagine when it was taken. Since Helen has gone past her due date, the doctors will wait just a few more days before inducing labor.
Serena suggests she and Helen leave the exhibition and go back to her place. Serena and Helen discuss Rachel; the homicide detectives questioned Serena and Rory too. Charlie isn’t speaking to Helen. Charlie admitted he knew Rachel before, and Helen made Charlie give the police a new statement. Helen tells Serena about the suspected affair between Rachel and Rory.
Someone watches a man enter a telephone booth in a part of town where there are no CCTV cameras. Wearing gloves, he inserts a coin and dials a number.
Helen visits Katie. Charlie hasn’t been speaking to Katie, either, because he’s mad at her for showing the photo of him and Rachel to Helen. Charlie kept his previous acquaintance with Rachel a secret because she asked him to. Helen currently feels safer at Katie’s apartment than at her own house and envies Katie for having her own space. Helen gives Katie spare keys to her house so that she can feed Monty and water her plants when she goes into labor.
Helen tells Katie about the note from Rory and Serena’s bathroom, the matching envelope in Rachel’s suitcase, and her suspicions about an affair between Rory and Rachel. Katie thinks maybe Rory met Rachel through Charlie, which could explain why Charlie kept it a secret that he knew Rachel before. When Helen told Serena about the suspected affair, Serena went to bed and hasn’t contacted Helen since. Katie thinks it’s weird that Serena and Rory would go on a trip abroad with a baby due so soon.
Helen reveals that she really did remember the Boathouse Rape but didn’t want to talk about it because it upsets Daniel. Back then, the police questioned Rory, Serena, Daniel, and Helen about it, because they took a boat out on the day that the rape occurred, and people saw them on the lake.
Daniel calls to say that the police are searching the architecture firm offices, and Rory’s been arrested.
Serena goes to the police station to speak to Rory. Police presented Rory with photographs they found in his office of him and Lisa having an affair. Someone dropped the photographs off to extort Rory, but neither Lisa nor Rory saw who it was. The DNA on the envelope matched Rachel, so presumably she was the one extorting him. The police also found an email from an address with Rachel’s initials in it, claiming she dropped off the photos and that she’d be at Rory’s birthday party in a red dress. Another email said she’d be at Helen’s bonfire party, expecting a large sum of hush money. Rory’s bank records reveal that he withdrew the money from the architecture firm’s offshore account. Also, CCTV cameras captured Rory putting the money into an envelope.
Rory brought the money to Helen’s party but never actually gave it to Rachel, because he couldn’t find her. The text message that Rachel sent Helen was sent from near Rory’s house. The police think Rory killed Rachel, since he had a motive. They also found Rory’s coat from Helen’s party with Rachel’s blood on it.
Charlie and Katie talk in a pub. Charlie reveals that he was sleeping with Rachel, but he and Katie were not together at the time. Rachel quit working at the club shortly after the night Rory, Daniel, and Serena came there, but nobody ever knew why. The next time Charlie saw Rachel was at Rory’s birthday party, and she was pregnant, which was a surprise to Charlie. He asked if the baby was his, and she said it wasn’t. Katie decides she’s done with Charlie romantically. Charlie insists that he really doesn’t know what happened to Rachel and didn’t go into the cellar with her. Katie never told the police about the cellar because she questions her drunk memory.
The police have taken a renewed interest in Charlie since arresting Rory. Charlie thinks their interest is because he got in trouble for drugs the previous year, when he was giving them to Rory. He’s annoyed that Rory and Serena still ask him for drugs after that. Rory asks him for cocaine, but Serena asks him for benzodiazepines that he doesn’t know how to get. Neither Charlie nor Katie knows why Serena would want benzos.
Helen is upset to see footage of Rory’s arrest on the news, and she’s glad her father isn’t alive to see what’s happening to his son and his company. The police are still searching the offices, so Daniel has been working at the library.
Helen gets a letter about a refinance on their mortgage for £3.6 million. Their original mortgage was very small because they only owed what Helen’s parents had left to pay off. Helen calls their financial adviser, Brian, who is also confused. Brian says he’ll look into it and call her back. Someone turns a key and comes into the house.
Vilmos, one of the builders, appears. Helen forgot he had a key and that she’d asked him to check on the crack in the cellar concrete. Vilmos said he doesn’t work for Helen anymore because Daniel decided to pass the work off to a different company. Daniel hadn’t told Helen this. Also, Daniel hasn’t paid Vilmos for the work he already did. Vilmos agrees to check out the crack anyway. He can’t tell what’s wrong with it, so he plans to bring another builder back later. Vilmos asks if Helen’s head is okay because he saw a mark in the cellar as if someone hit their head.
Katie goes to Cambridge to speak with Rachel’s father, John, hoping to learn more about why Rachel was trying to get close to Helen and whether Charlie is guilty. John asks if Katie knows Rory and if it’s possible that he could have hurt Rachel. Katie confirms she knows Rory, but she’s honestly not sure if he hurt her.
Katie tells John that Rachel led her to believe she lived in Greenwich Park and was pregnant. She asks if there’s anything Rachel might have wanted from her friend group or anything from her past that she’s still angry about. John goes upstairs to retrieve a box of newspaper clippings and gives it to Katie.
An unnamed man and woman walk back to their college. The man says they need to tell the police what they just saw. The woman says they’re not even sure what they saw, plus they have no way to explain why they were in that place, alone together. The narrator says they kept quiet, but this was a mistake.
Helen follows Vilmos into the cellar, where the crack in the concrete has grown larger. She sees the mark Vilmos mentioned, which is bloody. Helen never hit her head there. Vilmos says he’ll return the following morning with another builder. After he’s gone, Helen remembers that Katie said she saw Rachel going into the cellar with someone.
Helen wants to call the police to tell them about the bloody mark in her cellar, but her phone is dead. She plugs it into the charger and calls Daniel. She leaves a message telling him about the mark in the cellar and asking him to come home. She calls DCI Betsky, but gets voicemail, and her phone dies again. In the nursery, she sees a vase that she was holding the night of her party. This jogs her memory—now she recalls finding not only Daniel’s laptop, but also the other objects. She then goes into labor.
Katie tells DCI Carter that she thinks Rachel sought out Helen and the others due to something about the Boathouse Rape. DCI Carter points out that the perpetrators’ names were public: Hector Montjoy and Thomas Villar. DCI Carter thinks that if there had been witnesses, there would have been a guilty verdict and justice for Rachel. Rachel said she saw a man and woman in the boathouse who were not part of the rape. However, no one believed her because she’d been drinking, and no witnesses ever came forward. DCI Carter and his coworkers interviewed everyone who was seen in the vicinity of the boathouse that day, but nobody admitted to seeing anything.
DCI Carter interviewed some students who took a boat out without signing it out that day, and although they claimed not to have seen anything, Carter suspected they were lying to avoid getting in trouble for something unrelated. Carter can’t remember their names, but Katie says they’re probably in his notebooks at home. Carter is worried because he’s already said more than he legally should have. Katie gets upset and leaves, saying she’ll ask her friends herself.
Either Helen’s water has broken, or she’s bleeding. She struggles to crawl to her phone. Daniel still hasn’t called her back. She calls Katie but gets no answer. She calls 911 and is waiting for them to pick up when Daniel enters the room. She says they need to contact the police and that she’s in labor. Daniel says “sorry,” then knocks her out by smashing a vase against her head.
Katie knocks on Helen’s door, but nobody answers. The car is in the driveway, plus Helen’s hospital bag is in the hallway. Helen never leaves home without it, so Katie suspects something is amiss. She uses the spare key to enter the house. Daniel appears and claims Helen is asleep. Daniel is holding Helen’s phone and ignoring repeated calls from the financial advisor. Katie pushes past him up the stairs. Daniel follows, pleading for her to leave. Katie finds Helen on the floor with her head bleeding. She tells Daniel to call the ambulance, but he grabs hold of her and drags her onto the roof. Daniel tries to throw Katie off the roof, but she grabs onto the gutter. Daniel gets a hammer and is about to slam it on Katie’s hands to make her let go, but someone else arrives and saves her.
This Interlude includes the rest of the letter from the Prologue, which is from Daniel to Helen (written from prison). Daniel had an affair with Serena in college when they were in a play together. Daniel was a wolf, and Serena was a type of Red Riding Hood. The day that they took the boat, Daniel and Serena had sex in the boathouse while returning the boat. While there, they witnessed Rachel’s rape. Rachel saw them, but Serena and Daniel left without interfering. They were afraid of getting caught for their affair, so they lied to the police.
Years passed. The night that Daniel, Rory, and Serena took an architecture client to the club Charlie works at, Serena and Daniel saw Rachel working behind the bar. They didn’t know her name but recognized her face, and she recognized them, too. She asked why they never said anything and claimed they ruined her life. Serena said she must have the wrong person and walked away. However, Daniel engaged. Rachel came by the firm later, and Daniel apologized for everything. Rachel recorded the conversation. She told Daniel he could go to the police and amend his statement, or she could do it for him, or he could pay her. He decided to pay her.
Daniel moved some of the firm’s accounts offshore. He didn’t realize until later that she was also extorting Rory. Rachel kept wanting more money, claiming that her baby deserved a good life. This made Daniel mad, so he choked her. When she turned up at their house, Daniel realized he would never be able to get rid of her despite the money.
After Charlie left the cellar the night of the Guy Fawkes party, Daniel took a coat from the pile (without realizing it was Rory’s), then told Rachel he wanted to talk in the cellar. He killed her and buried her beneath the wet concrete. Daniel’s lawyer told him Helen named the baby Leo James. Daniel hopes Helen will let him see his son someday, even a picture. He hopes Helen can forgive him.
Helen takes Leo to the playground with Charlie, Katie, and Ruby. Leo is almost one year old but isn’t crawling yet. Later, they go home; Helen and Leo now live with Katie. Helen isn’t sure if Katie and Charlie are back together, but it doesn’t matter to her. Helen puts Leo down for a nap, then shows Katie the letter Daniel sent her.
Helen didn’t want to live in her old house anymore, due to the murder and bad memories. After being knocked out by Daniel, Helen woke up in the hospital with the baby gone. She’d had a head injury, so the doctors operated to get the baby out safely. He was too small for a full-term baby, suggesting that he stopped growing in the last month of gestation. The doctors asked if Helen was using drugs, but she said of course not. Helen feels that Leo gets her through life now.
Katie says Daniel’s letter explains some of the mysteries, but not all, such as the red love notes. It doesn’t seem like they’re from Lisa, because the “W” doesn’t fit with her name. Daniel claims he acted alone in Rachel’s murder, but the homicide detectives didn’t believe this and continued to investigate Rory as an accomplice, especially because of the text message sent from Rachel’s phone near Rory’s house. However, Daniel’s house is close to Rory’s and there was nothing else to implicate him, so Rory went free. DCI Carter was the one saved Katie’s life, having deduced that she’d go to Helen and Daniel’s house even though he asked her not to.
Serena divorced Rory, and Rory is now with Lisa. They moved near Bristol. Helen hasn’t visited them yet. Serena moved abroad and named her daughter Sienna. Helen tears up Daniel’s letter and throws it out.
Serena’s baby, Sienna, is already walking before 10 months old. Serena is on the beach drinking, and a man hands her a teddy bear that Sienna dropped. Serena thinks he looks rich. They make noncommittal plans to meet at a bar later.
Serena read Daniel’s letter to Helen and points out that it didn’t explain the red notes, which were actually between Daniel and Serena. The “W” stands for “wolf,” which is Daniel’s nickname because of the play. Their affair did not end in college but was going on this whole time. Daniel gave Serena the necklace with the dog charm, which is actually a wolf. Serena, Sienna, and the nanny Vivienne return from the beach to their house.
Serena confirms that she and Daniel were the unnamed figures having sex in secret places. When Serena got pregnant with Daniel’s baby, she wanted them to finally leave their spouses. However, Daniel had no real money without Helen, and Serena was accustomed to a upper-class lifestyle. Therefore, she had Daniel remortgage his house. She cut Helen’s face out of her passport and pasted her own in to provide the necessary signatures. The remodeling work was a guise, which is why Daniel never paid Vilmos. They were planning to slowly drain money from the remortgage and the company, then move away together.
When Rachel saw Daniel and Serena at Charlie’s club, this threw a wrench in their plan, because Rachel started extorting Daniel. She took his laptop and discovered their plan. Serena and Daniel then planned to kill Rachel, using Rory as a decoy suspect. They took the photographs of Rory and Lisa having an affair and put them in an envelope that already had Rachel’s DNA on it. They also sent the emails to Rory from an email address containing Rachel’s initials. Rory was arrested, although Daniel had to call the police from a phone booth to anonymously tip them off.
Serena killed Rachel in the cellar. Daniel then brought Rory down there, and Serena said there’d been an accident. Daniel pretended to threaten to call the police, and Rory, having been allegedly extorted by Rachel, knew the murder would likely be pinned on him. Therefore, he “convinced” Daniel that they should hide the body beneath the concrete. Serena had asked Charlie for benzos, but he couldn’t get any, so she found some old ones from Helen’s pregnancy losses in her bathroom and drugged Helen with a heavy dose. She also drugged the mulled wine because Katie was drinking it. Everyone else at the party was heavily intoxicated, so Serena figured no one would be a good witness.
Serena and Daniel sent the text to Helen from Rachel’s phone, from near Serena’s house. When Helen and Vilmos found the mark in the cellar, Serena and Daniel knew the police would find the body soon, so they needed to leave the country. Daniel went home first to deal with Helen, who was in labor. Serena thinks this was a mistake because it led to Daniel’s arrest. After everything, Rory was angry, but he also didn’t contradict Serena and Daniel’s story because he just wanted to avoid prison himself. Daniel still thinks that when he gets out of prison, he and Serena will be together, but Serena does not plan on this because Daniel no longer has enough money for her.
Serena leaves Sienna with Vivienne and goes to the bar to meet the man from earlier, expecting to get a new rich husband or boyfriend. However, he already knows her name and pulls out a police badge.
The final chapters bring closure to each of the novel’s mysteries, and the multinarrator structure helps to achieve this through piecemeal exposition. For example, the interlude from 10 years prior reveals that there were, in fact, two witnesses to the Boathouse Rape, where Rachel was the survivor. The witnesses are revealed to be Daniel and Serena, explaining why Daniel was always upset when people brought up the case. The rest of the letter from the Prologue explains that the writer was Daniel, and although the letter contains lies, Serena corrects these lies as the narrator of the final chapter. Although Helen and Katie aren’t depicted as learning the whole truth, the reader does, maintaining the use of dramatic irony through the end of the narrative. Serena’s closing chapter provides an ending with a dual twist: Not only does she expose far more information about her plans with Daniel, but the final line of the novel implies her arrest for her part in the scheme after Faulkner leads readers to believe she’ll escape unpunished.
The Illusion of Safety advances as the reader learns that two of the people Helen trusted most—Daniel and Serena—actually posed the greatest threat to her safety all along. Not only does Daniel physically attack Helen, but Serena reveals that she was drugging Helen to impede her memory. The narrative implies that Serena’s actions affected Leo, who stopped growing in his last month of gestation and was born at a low weight. Thus, Helen’s diligence in following the pregnancy rules did not actually protect her child from harm, because other people still harmed him.
This section further develops The Complexity of Identity because some of Daniel and Serena’s secrets are revealed, although they also continue to keep other secrets from the other characters. Throughout the novel, most people, including Helen, believed that Daniel was harmless, “normal,” and responsible, when in reality he was conniving and later abusive, but hiding in plain sight. This amplifies the novel’s sense of terror because the true villains were not obvious to anyone, and nobody suspected them of foul play for a long time. This suggests that, like threats to safety, personality traits are not always detectable, even to people like Katie and Helen, who try hard to solve the mysteries that are sitting right under their noses. Daniel and Serena went to great lengths to conceal their true intentions, but Katie and Helen didn’t recognize their malice because they didn’t want to see it. Katie reflects that she has sensed before that Daniel had a darker side: “I wonder if I have seen this before, this ugliness in my friend’s husband. […] And deep down, I know the answer is yes. That I have seen it in the pencil lines of his face, in the blankness behind his eyes. And I did nothing” (342). Katie doesn’t want to believe that Daniel is capable of malice, so she brushes off her observation.
The Meaning of Parenthood comes to the fore as Helen and Serena both give birth to their children. Helen experiences a radical shift in her perspective toward parenting as her marriage falls apart. Whereas before, Helen felt that Daniel got her through life and that she wouldn’t be able to handle raising Leo alone, she now believes that Leo gets her through life and has no interest in reconnecting with Daniel or even allowing him to meet her child. Before, Helen pitied single parents, but now, she understands firsthand that circumstances can change despite one’s careful planning. While Helen used to judge Charlie for living in an apartment instead of a mansion, after Daniel and Serena commit a murder in her house, Helen now sees that safety is not contingent upon one’s financial status or living arrangements. She and Leo move in with Katie, a far safer and happier arrangement than living in a mansion with a murderer, even if he is an architect.